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Cedars website is currently undergoing changes, the updated site will be with you shortly.


Cedars website is currently undergoing changes, the updated site will be with you shortly.


Cedars website is currently undergoing changes, the updated site will be with you shortly.


Legal Notices

Notice and Disclaimer
This website ( is intended to inform those interested in the services that we provide and those interested in taking up employment with us.

We will update this website as necessary to keep interested people informed about us; however, there is no liability upon our company from information contained in this website.

This website does not constitute an agreement with any potential client or staff member.

We will not be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages including any loss of business, revenue, profits, or data in relation to your use of the website.

All intellectual property of Cedars Care Group represented on the Website remain the property of the company.

The website is not engaged in rendering advice and should not be wholly relied upon when making any related decision.

The information contained with the Website is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties expressed or implied relating to the accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose.

Cedars Care Group Trading Companies

Business  Place of registration  Company number  Registered office 
Ultimate parent company 
Cedars Care Group Ltd England & Wales 4876906 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Subsidiary companies 
Cedar Grange Ltd England & Wales 4876907 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Non-subsidiary companies
Ash Croft Ltd England & Wales 5470493 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Cedarwood House Ltd England & Wales 5963865 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Derwent Residential Care Ltd England & Wales 4607479 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Woodlands Manor Ltd England & Wales 5467259 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE
Cedars Care
(Winscombe Hall) Ltd
England & Wales 5554158 Teyaz House, 2B Manor Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5LE

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for choosing the right home, including:

  • Choosing a Care Home checksheet
  • Tips for viewing a potential home
  • What to ask
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What our families say

"Always welcomed with a hello and a smile from the staff. The staff are very friendly and helpful. Dad is well cared for and looked after very well. I am glad I chose this care home for Dad."