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Varied and meaningful activities are a fundamental part of daily life. They are vital for the well-being of seniors and those living with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

At Cedars Care Group homes, we facilitate activities suited to the interests and capabilities of all our residents. Physically and mentally stimulating, these activities are designed to enhance life skills and promote a sense of purpose and self-worth in the people we support.

An activity that is meaningful for one person may not interest another. We know this because we care for individuals. Cedars Care Group homes are small and intimate. This means residents get personalised support from specialist carers and activity staff who work to engage them sensitively. Each resident’s This is Me profile helps staff keep track of existing hobbies, skills, and interests. It also guides carers when introducing individuals to something new.

Group & Individual Activities

No single activity is beneficial to seniors or people with dementia. What’s important is that an activity is meaningful to the individual taking part. While some residents may be more involved in group activities, others will prefer to sit down with a book or talk about the good old days. This is why our activity staff work with residents on a group and individual level.

Birthdays and seasonal events are important to us. We put a lot of effort into making all our events memorable and celebrating together. Planned activities and occasions such as these are key opportunities for family participation and support. Resident families are always encouraged to attend. A full calendar of events is displayed at each home monthly. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates.

Indoor & Outdoor Activities

Indoor activities at our homes range from quizzes and board games to arts and crafts. Regular visits from external facilitators allow residents to enjoy everything from live music to a bit of pampering by the hairdresser or chiropodist.

We often organise external visits to country parks, theatres, and historical places of interest. For senior residents with green fingers, our gardens offer the opportunity to plant and nurture plants. Others will prefer to pull up a deck chair and enjoy the flowers and birdsong.

Examples of Activities at our homes include:

Spiritual and Therapeutic

  1. Religious Services & Support Groups
  2. Music Headsets/Library
  3. Hairdressing
  4. Therapeutic Massage
  5. Rehabilitation Therapy
  6. Manicure, Chiropody & Foot Soak
  7. Hydro Pool

Physical Wellbeing

  1. Chair-based Exercises
  2. Outside Shopping Trips
  3. Garden Activities
  4. Team Games
  5. Walks at the Seaside/Park
  6. Quoits
  7. Dance Evenings

Neural Exercises

  1. Brain Training
  2. Arts & Crafts
  3. Reading &Writing
  4. Puzzles & Number Cards
  5. Painting
  6. Draughts & Dominoes

Social Activities

  1. Coffee Mornings
  2. Family Celebrations
  3. Outdoor Trips / Events
  4. Discussion Cards
  5. Monthly Home Events
  6. Quizzes, Games & Bingo

Reminiscence & Sensory

  1. Gardening
  2. TV / Interactive TN (Wii)
  3. Music Recorded / Live
  4. Fish Tank / Pond & Fountains
  5. Singing / Karaoke
  6. Aroma Quiz
  7. Baking
  8. Avery / Animal Therapy

Get our free guide

for choosing the right home, including:

  • Choosing a Care Home checksheet
  • Tips for viewing a potential home
  • What to ask
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What our families say

"My mum has been a resident of Ash Croft House since March 2020. She was transferred from a care home, being very poorly with pressure sores and genuinely poor health. From the minute she arrived at Ash Croft House, her health improved and within month's she had no sores. My mum tells me she is very happy and all the staff show her such kindness, which for me is wonderful to hear. I am very pleased with the care my mum receives."